Cmdr Sailen Blackwind
Freelancer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Black Cat
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer B-KIT
Overall assets
The Black Cat Syndicate

Logbook entry

My place is on the wayward wind..

03 Jan 2021Sailen Blackwind
So in my travels upon this new cosmos, i finally had the moment.. that moment when you wake up inside, and realize your path.
Interestingly enough, it was while i was rummaging through the mission boards in LFT 1672, where i encountered the minor faction of LFT 1672 Advanced holdings.

A mundane seeming group of people, with no holdings to be particularly proud of from what i read on their intel.. these people dont seem to know who i am.

a perfect task for hire, and yet i turned it down. They spoke to me with such arrogance, high and mighty despite their true colors, in a way that reminded me of the Amarr, back where i come from.

The thing they said that really spoke to me though, was "Know your place, you are here to serve us" ..
it was at that moment that i realized, no.. no i am not. i owe nothing to these people, and i will not serve them, even for an open contract.

my place is my own, and the choices i make are mine as well. ive chosen to withdraw my support of the LFT Advanced Holdings faction, and given opportunity, will side against them in combat as well. Then we'll see where who's place truly rests.
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