Cmdr Sailen Blackwind
Freelancer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Black Cat
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer B-KIT
Overall assets
The Black Cat Syndicate

Logbook entry

Even Ravens Need a Black Cat

05 Jan 2021Sailen Blackwind
In my journey toward the outer rim, I've found my self in the system of Cai.
initially, i arrived here on my route, scanning the planet Xyile for its high priced scan data, and encountered the faction of Raven's Scouts.

They seem to be well formed here, and even have an installation on the planet Trango, although its air space is restricted, it is accessible by surface travel, and seems to be an industrial hold.

A people that formed in their pursuit of exploration, and banded together to make their home here, while expanding on their facets of life.. i can relate to these people.

A small system, with medium levels of security, I've had one interdiction attempt on me from a non CMDR class pilot by the name of Biggles, unknown if he is still present in the Cai system, but will be sure to deliver him some bad luck if encountered.

Overall, i enjoy it in this area so far, and will be getting to know Raven's Scouts better. if they continue to appeal to me, i might just hang around for a while. Even a Raven can use a Black Cat.
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