Cmdr Sailen Blackwind
Freelancer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Black Cat
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer B-KIT
Overall assets
The Black Cat Syndicate

Logbook entry

I've come to deliver some bad luck

07 Jan 2021Sailen Blackwind
I've made the right choice it seems. It started with a hand shake, and a declaration of support. the aged but spry old woman that greeted me to Raven's Landing was as blunt in her lack of confidence as you'd expect from a woman such as her, but she gave me the chance, and started me on some messenger work for the faction.

Smoothly enough, the work was routine. go there, drop a note, come back.
something in the data i was moving for them though must have been important, because as i returned from a delivery, i was greeted by a much different tone from her.
Pleased, some might say.

I was told of how my work for them has granted them some deals that had spiked their economy as a whole. Who would've thought, my actions would have such a major impact, and one so soon as well. this economic boost placed their people into a state of Civil Liberty, allowing them to invest in the Cai system, and pursue plans of expansion.

This lead to the request of my services in planetary scans, which i excitedly accepted. Cash flow immediately sky rocketed, and i stumbled onto a new profession.

A black cat needs prey though, and the Raven's would be sure not to disappoint. these scans lead to the need for local pirate eradication, and a warrant was issued.
The moment i had been waiting for, the chance to deliver some bad luck.

it was a graceful strike indeed. arriving in the target system that the intel tracked him down to, it was no issue snaring him in the sights of my interdiction.
His hull screeching out of cruise, perfectly locked at the end of my guns, i made quick work of him, and his back up too.
He must not know where i come from...
But i came to deliver some bad luck.
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︎1 Shiny!
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