Cmdr Sailen Blackwind
Freelancer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Black Cat
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer B-KIT
Overall assets
The Black Cat Syndicate

Logbook entry

Life within the heavens

18 Jan 2021Sailen Blackwind
I've roamed these cosmos for some weeks now. Recently joining with The Dark Matter Corporation in the near by system of Nungar. Their pilots are friendly, and come with force. my type of people they seem. With actions being taken by them in politics, i see some interesting stories ahead.

I've given them my support in their goals in varied handfuls, but I've really taken to exploring the surrounding dead space, being the first to set eyes on many new planets.

this brought me to my latest find, while spending some time looking through my codex system, I discovered the potential for some.. other form of life amongst the stars, just a reasonable 600 LY away. plants it seems. more specifically a forest.

I'd never seen anything like it, so I decided to set my navigation toward the planet of Synuefe ZQ-V b35-4 3.

The trip was smooth and only slowed by the opportunity of first contact in a few systems i thought interesting enough to slow for, and eventually I arrived. Probes ready, and the planet fairly small, it wasn't long before i had found the signals of several forests all across the rocky planet. landing on the edge of nightfall, the horizon looked especially peaceful behind the silhouette of this alien forest.

As I sat upon the soil and watched the sun set, I noticed an orange shimmer hanging from the branches of several trees.
Fruit. it was its fruit. I doubt it to be edible, but it was rich with something more. material. minerals, a variety of all kinds, hanging in plenty in a forest of golden apple. in a time long ago, some would say these fruit are forbidden. For my self, these fruit are truly treasures of the heavens.

Life comes in all forms among the heavens
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