Cmdr Sailen Blackwind
Freelancer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Black Cat
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer B-KIT
Overall assets
The Black Cat Syndicate

Logbook entry

The Curiosity Initiative

12 Feb 2022Sailen Blackwind
Sometimes, you don't really know what it is that you're looking for.
The venture for adventure becomes the pursuit within it self. Discovery often stumbled upon just by picking a direction and setting forth in search of the unknown.

The things we find lead to questions, and for whatever the reason, so many of these questions remained unanswered.
it was upon such an adventure the other day that I found my self working on Blu core's optimization, and in sharing my findings I met a man with questions of his own.
he was experiencing an anomaly related to a particular cluster of crystal formations. one I have never seen before. it was my experience in core programming that lead to our conversation, and I proposed that we find the answer to his questions. this simple conversation began a journey that would take me further into the black than I've ever been before.

I managed to find a cluster of the suspected crystals and landed to begin my study. I personally experienced no such anomaly, but I did find the nature that could lead to such problems on some cores. from his description of his system, we were able to pin point his specific issues and create a remedy.

This event inspired something within me, as I realized.. this could be my thing.
in pursuit of my own adventure and knowledge, I can offer my services to the public. a division of the black cat syndicate focused on the pursuit of answers to the rumors of the cosmos. a dedicated team committed to pursuing the answers that have been left upon the shelves of those who question them.

This will be known as the Black Cat Curiosity Initiative, open to all public submissions of questions that cross the mind.
I do hope that this will lead to many amazing stories to come. We shall see. We shall see..
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︎1 Shiny!
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