Cmdr Sailen Blackwind
Freelancer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Black Cat
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer B-KIT
Overall assets
The Black Cat Syndicate

Logbook entry

Interest Report - Taurus Mining Venture Defeat

16 Feb 2022Sailen Blackwind
A recent conflict located within the Maia system comes to its conclusion today as we witness the defeat of Taurus Mining Ventures by The Pioneer's Cooperative and loss of control over Ziegler Mineralogic Exchange located on the planet B 2 c.

This conflict was targeted by The Black Cat Syndicate, who declared their support of The Pioneer's Cooperative during the beginning of their engagement of Taurus Mining Ventures in consequence of the mining venture's recent anti xeno operations within the Pleiades region, and support of Salvation's recent provocative actions.

This support from the Syndicate ensured The Pioneer's Cooperative's victory, and saw to a resulting impact to Taurus Mining Ventures's foot hold within the system.

As this conflict comes to its conclusion, we can also see Taurus Mining Venture pulling out of the nearby Delphi system, and it can be speculated that the loss of resource support from their establishment within Maia may have contributed to this decision by the faction.

The Delphi system acts as another valuable system within xeno occupied space, and therefor is significant to both anti xeno and pro xeno citizens as a hub of operation and research. The retreat of Taurus Mining Venture forces can only prove to benefit those of pro xeno ideology, and is thus far seen as a victory to The Black Cat Syndicate, and its collaborating forces.

This concludes our latest interest report.
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