Cmdr Sailen Blackwind
Freelancer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Black Cat
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer B-KIT
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The Black Cat Syndicate

Logbook entry

The Cat And The Raven

18 Feb 2022Sailen Blackwind
The Black Cat Syndicate established a relationship with the previously abandoned faction of Raven's Scouts nearing the end of 3306.
Sharing nearly identical ideals and operation tactics, Their bond grew very naturally in the time that would follow, and the Syndicate would become the primary support carrying the Scouts through their endeavors as an independent faction. through logistical, analysis, and military action The Black Cat's would deliver consistent results to the Raven Scouts and in turn build their population from a simple forgotten colony, to a dominant, established presence within the Cai and Surrounding systems.

On the date 02/16/3308 Raven's Scouts independent leadership announced in a public statement to their citizens residing on their home planet Xyle,
that they have happily made the decision to grant presidency of their faction to The Black Cat Syndicate, acknowledging the results of their continued support, and speaking in tone of gratitude with the words

"We left this soil many years ago to become the birds that would fly far beyond these stars we see from here. To see a land that no man could see without a Raven's wings. When we thought we could finally take flight, our leaders abandoned us, and with them they took our wings.

It was not until a Black Cat crossed our path, that we found our wings again. with the same curiosity, and the same ambitions, they saw it fit to see us through together, and in the time that has passed, we have once again found our place in the skies where Raven's belong.

If it were not for them, we would forever remain birds with broken wings.
So for this reason, we pledge our selves to these Black Cats, and together we will find the answers to the curiosity that drives us all.
Because sometimes, even a Raven, needs a Black Cat"

The Raven's Scouts population seemed to eagerly accept this decision, as we witnessed a roaring reaction, filled with cheer and applause.

This decision however did not seem to settle so well with surrounding factions, as with this declaration, came a matching declaration of war from the neighboring faction Mendindui Systems.

This declaration was made by action of attack on the Raven's settlement McClintock Settlement ++ located within the Pichanto system by Mendindui forces.

This settlement is the only controlled establishment that the Raven's hold within the system, and is therefor a valuable asset in terms of hold within the system.
It can be speculated that Mendindui Systems initiated the attack with preemptive motives. Considering the increased threat that the Raven's could possibly pose now that they have declared official Syndicate citizenship, that it be best to remove them from their populated system before they potentially prove concern.

This however is purely theory, and cannot be confirmed.

Reaction to this attack has been seen swift, as the Black Cats wasted no time or focus in retaliation to Mendindui Systems as we can see operations visibly in motion now from both sides, with Black Cat and Raven forces openly engaging in hostilities within the target system.

This retaliation came with an announcement from Syndicate Leader Sailen Blackwind, where he states

"it is truly an honor to take this helm and guide your people to the future and ambitions each and every one of us seek. As Black Cats we set to these stars with the spirit of curiosity, and lethal ability to achieve any desire that defines the name that represents us. to encounter a bird with the same dream is something that can only be considered a gift in this vast galaxy. a gift that should be cherished and supported.

There are those that would attempt to stand in our way, whether it be by conflict of their own ambitions, or threat of ours, there is a reason that we as Black Cats and Ravens travel with talons and claws, and in these times that one would challenge our pursuit, we swear by our oath to deliver some bad luck!"

We now watch as ships deploy from both sides, and the engagement ensues, leading to a coming conclusion of this conflict.
Until next time, this has been our latest interest report.
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