Cmdr Sailen Blackwind
Freelancer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Black Cat
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer B-KIT
Overall assets
The Black Cat Syndicate

Logbook entry

=BCRS-Interest Report: 9th Legion Silenced in Asvini=

07 Mar 2022Sailen Blackwind
The Conflict within the Asvini system, pitting Raven Scouts against The 9th Legion comes to a conclusion, with The Black Cat Syndicate seeing yet another decisive victory for their Ravens.

In result of their victory, we can see visuals provided by Black Cat CEO Sailen Blackwind, of his visit to the system's General Transmittal Systems, after gaining control of it as a result of their conflict.

Ownership over these systems will give Black Cat and accompanying Raven's control over communications and transmissions passing through this local space. Coinciding with their operational tactics, often leaning toward the nature of spec op maneuvers, it can be speculated that these systems will see unexpected changes in their utilization by newly assigned staff.

Pilots in neutral or hostile standing with BCRS populace should keep caution in mind when transmitting over local non-private networks within the system.

General Transmittal Systems
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