Cmdr Sailen Blackwind
Freelancer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Black Cat
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer B-KIT
Overall assets
The Black Cat Syndicate

Logbook entry

This is what it all was for...

04 Apr 2022Sailen Blackwind
Asvini - Bain Platform. It was a hard earned evening as Sailen staggered into the station's hub. There was a little bar he knew about, tucked deep in the lower levels of the station.
It didn't need to be there. it wasn't supposed to be a secret. After all, Bain Platform now belonged to him.

But he liked things there. tucked away in the dark corners. because it was there that he felt like he was away from it all for even just a moment.

Coming around the corners of a long row of corridors, a faint glow could be noticed first as Sailen took the final right turn.
"The Stray" a crudely hung old fashioned neon sign read above the rusty uninviting door.
He entered the bar and was greeted appropriately by the Raven posted at the door. "Welcome back to your den Black Cat"

The back corner secluded and set away just as he liked it, with a single guard posted casually sitting off to the side with a drink in hand and a feline insignia printed upon his shoulder.

He didnt say anything. He just nodded and continued casually remaining present within the area as Sailen took his seat.

He needed this. weeks of conflict and operation had left him physically and emotionally drained, and things were far from over. He sat head rested off upon his shoulder staring into the distance at the people who mingled in his bar... "it was all for this though.." he thought to him self.

It was all to claim these new horizons. not just for him self, but for his people as well..
These weeks had brought many things. even an encounter with these Raven's founder, Judge Raven him self, and his formal blessing to lead his people.
Another old Raven elder as well, Bopoh, who had apparently helped maintain these skies for almost as long as Sailen had, and now together, they had claimed Asvini.

For the first time in what Sailen could only imagine was a long time, these Ravens had control of another system outside of their home. Peace had stabilized within their territory, and its people were thriving.

"All is well.. it was all so we could have this.." Sailen thought to him self as he stared into his glass of whiskey.

He looked up at the black cat who had been posted to guard his corner of the bar, noticing him laughing with another friend over a few drinks of their own, thinking to him self one last time "This is what it all was for..." as his head slowly rested against the wall and he drifted off to sleep
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