Cmdr Jaheba
Miner / Outlaw
Registered ship name
ExCa 2
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Krait Mk II MICO
Overall assets
Miners Corporation
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

Miners Corporation [MICO] - Squadron Logbook Entry - Year 3310-01-11

11 Jan 2024Jaheba
Miners Corporation [MICO] - Squadron Logbook Entry - Year 3310

Date: 3310-01-11

Location: Omicron Capricorni B System, Planet B1

Objective: Platinum Mining Operation

Commander in Charge: CMDR Technotika

0800 Hours: Squadron members assembled at Omicron Capricorni B System for the Platinum mining operation. CMDR Technotika briefed the team on the mission objectives, emphasizing efficiency and safety.

0830 Hours: Reached designated coordinates on Planet B1. Surface scans indicated rich Platinum deposits in the region. Prospector limpets deployed for detailed analysis.

0900 Hours: Mining lasers engaged. Initial mineral extraction proceeding smoothly. Prospects for high-quality Platinum yield look promising.

1100 Hours: First cargo hold filled with refined Platinum. Coordination within the squadron is excellent, with each member optimizing mining techniques.

1300 Hours: Brief pause for resource consolidation. CMDR Technotika commended the team for their diligence and encouraged maintaining focus for the remaining mining cycle.

1500 Hours: Subsurface Displacement Missiles (SDMs) deployed to access deeper Platinum veins. Enhanced yield observed, elevating overall extraction efficiency.

1700 Hours: Completed the final extraction cycle. All cargo holds filled with refined Platinum. Squadron members regrouped for departure.

1800 Hours: Departed Planet B1, en route to Omicron Capricorni B Station for commodity trade and profit realization. Mission accomplished successfully.

1900 Hours: Squadron debrief at the station. Profits distributed among squadron members. Positive camaraderie observed.

Closing Notes:

The Miners Corporation [MICO] executed a flawless Platinum mining operation at Planet B1 in the Omicron Capricorni B System. Team coordination and utilization of advanced mining techniques led to optimal results. CMDR Technotika commended the squadron for their professionalism, setting the stage for future lucrative endeavors. The success of this mission reaffirms the Miners Corporation [MICO] commitment to excellence in resource extraction within the Elite Dangerous galaxy
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