24 Feb 2021SkarWalker
I just came back from my trip to Colonia, wanted to make an estimation on how long would it take for the average squadron member to pin both Shield Cell Bank and Life Support blueprints, so i could set up additional intel for our expedition. During my 250 jumps i was cogitating about why so many people complain about these engineers being so far away, I mean what would be the fun if all the engineers were unlocked on the first few hours as a CMDR? A little later I came to the conclusion that maybe this is what Elite Dangerous is about - teaching us to enjoy our path and not just the goal.After this small conversation with myself, I finally arrived and instantly went to the first Starport that i saw in Colonia - Jaques Station. "Not very different from what I am used to see back in the bubble, after all" - i thought to myself.
While my Anaconda was being repaired/refueled I went to the mission board to see if i could get any hint on where to find my first contact for the Shield Cell Banks - Mel Brandon. A couple of locals told me that Colonia Council would offer me his contact if i did a couple of jobs to them, but soon i realized most of them were destined to small stations and I only had my Anaconda out here.
Money does not give you happiness but it sure gives you flexibility, so i went to the local shipyard, bought a Sidewinder, outfitted it to D grade modules and done courier missions for about 2 hours. I can't tell you how satisfying it was to get back into the controls of a Sidewinder, I had to rebuy one of these when I got back to the Bubble!
So eventually i got to the "The Brig" in Luchtaine System where i found my contact for Shield Cell Banks. "I know what you are looking for!" he said as soon as I opened up my canopy. I had a couple of bounty vouchers that i brang from the Bubble, knowing that this guy was a former Federal Defense Force pilot and missed his old days pretty bad. "Outstanding!" he replied while i stood silent with the bounty vouchers in my hand. He gave one of his workers a signal and in 10 seconds i had the latest Shield Cell Bank blueprint in front of me - I guess he knew I was in a rush.
I went for Etienne Dorn next not knowing what to expect. My friend Lyz Rider had told me only he could help me get Grade 5 Life Support, but she warned me he was a creepy dude. "There is a megaship in distress nearby, bring me 25 Occupied Escape Pods and I will give you the blueprint, no questions asked", at first I wanted to get back to the bubble and just forget about the Life Support, but then I thought - even though i dont know what this dude is gonna do with the 25 Occupied Escape Pods, with this blueprint I can maybe save a lot more than 25 people, including my own's life and squadron member's.
Your deeds, they are part of what you are, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do - To save the life of a thousand, maybe 25 would need to be put in harm's way. Who is there to judge me anyway? Have you never flown through the mail slot over the speed limit endangering thousands of people's lives just to be there 30 seconds earlier?
End of the Story - I ended up spending 3 hours in Colonia doing the engineers and came back home, KNOWING that even though i did not do the right thing, i did what i had to.
*Mission Accomplished*
"This is the Way"