Logbook entry

Log 6

01 May 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
Cargo Bay, Pandemonium, Quator Station, Quator
April 30th, 3307

May took a crowbar to the wooden crate. Her body trembled with the motion as she wrenched the lid apart from the rest of the crate. I watched as her face lit up in surprise. "CMDR! I know you said we were going to take up some cargo running but..wow! Is that silver?"

"Yes." I told her. "99.99% pure silver bars. We have 350 tons worth. A small fortune." I clicked my tongue as I waited to see her reaction to this news. She seemed perplexed. This was not at all what she had in mind when she signed up to join me on my endeavors. I could see the confusion on her face clear as day.

"But... CMDR, isn't there a war we are supposed to be participating in?" She said to me. Her tone laced with the dumbfounded confusion of someone who can not see the answer before her eyes. "Of course there is, May. There's always a war for us to participate in... That never changes." I laughed before snapping my fingers, directing her to close the crate. "War will always be there. The money to fund those wars? A different story altogether. We're not out here to sightsee, girl. We're out here to collect funds to further the goals of TRCG. Don't you worry. You'll get your chance at combat soon enough... I'm sure some greedy little fat-body in the local customs office has already supplied the local pirate gangs with our information."

"Now." I gestured towards the crates. "Double check the hatches. Make sure our cargo is secure and we will get out of here. Sometime today, May."

With a swift clap of my hands, May delivered a salute and quickly ran off to do as she was told. I returned to my cabin and picked up the latest copy of Spacegirls Magazine. May would let me know when she's done and we could carry on with our business. I flipped over to the first page and smiled.
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︎3 Shiny!
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