Logbook entry

Log 7

03 May 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
Pandemonium Bridge, Nanomam
May 2nd, 3307

"We're doing what!?" May shouted in an uncharacteristic outburst. She directed that towards me of course.. the anger I felt coming from her was different...amusing... even exciting.

"I can understand the trading, CMDR....but The Federation!? Are you serious right now!?" She shouted some more. She waved her arms around in wide motions as she danced around Pandemonium's bridge. I smiled as I leaned back in my chair. "First off, May. I do not know who you are talking to but you -will- show me the respect due as the captain of this vessel or you will find your contract terminated, null and void."

That got her attention. She huffed a bit before placing her hands behind her back and assuming the position of parade rest. "Aye, CMDR... It's just.. The Federation...out of all the people we are going to accept a contract from. Why them?"

"Dearest May... because they pay of course." I said with a chuckle. "Credits make the whole of the Universe spin round and round and round and he with the most credits makes that Universe spin to his desires. I aim to be that person someday... as should you."

"Aye, sir...I see the need for credits. I just.. I don't see the need to help the federation." She screwed up her face in confusion. It's really adorable how often that look crosses her face.

"Who said anything about -helping- the fucking feds, May?" I questioned with a laugh. "We're NOT helping them. Do you have any idea what this project we will be contributing to actually work towards? I'm going to guess no...judging by that look of confusion... So let me let you in on something." I key in the sequence to pull up the GalNet News Network on screen before turning it to May. A video played, covering President Hudson's desire to place the people of the Federation under surveillance.

"Imagine the havoc this will bring onto the Federation. Law enforcement and the military itself will be so tied up in this that they won't have much time for anything else. The average populace will be restless and riots will begin to sprout up throughout Federation space. Hudson has fucked the pooch on this one. He's underestimated his own people.. He's underestimated those of us out here who would love nothin more than to see him fuck up. So why not help him do this thing? Make a LARGE amount of credits while doing so? Seems like a win-win situation to me.... Can't you see?" I ended my lecture as I lit up a cigar. May hated these things... I could always tell by the faces she makes when the smoke blew her way.

May nodded her head "Aye, sir."
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