Logbook entry

Log 8

13 May 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
Clark Port, Ehlanda
May 12th, 3307

I strode up to the 2-bedroom 2-bath hotel suite that I shared with May on Clark Port, Ehlanda. The door burst open with a mechanical swish right before I stepped through. With a grin at my companion and employee, I held up the certificate in my hand. "It's official, May. We are now formally recognized by The Empire as a legitimate business. From now on, We shall be known as Skeitch Mining and Trading Company"

May, who was sitting on the couch reading something on her data pad looked up at me with a clear sense of curiosity as I waved the certificate at her. "We, are what, sir?" She asked for clarification as I shoved the certificate into her hands. Her eyes went wide. Can't say I was sure at the time if it was excitement or just simple surprise... I didn't exactly tell her why we came to Clark Port to begin with. "Wow!...A company? Mining and Trade?"

"Well, of course...kind of." I chuckled as I collected the paper. "More of a front, really.. You and I both know what we're honestly really about." I folded the certificate in half and shoved it between my jacket and flight suit. I then smiled. "We'll do some legitimate business, of course... Can't make it too obvious that we're running a front for many an illegal operation for TRCG now can we?" She looked at me...dumbfounded.. not exactly impressed...more resigned as to her decision to sign up with an interstellar opportunist like myself than anything.

"Come here. I've something to show you." I stepped up to the window. Yes. Window...viewing port..rather large pane because I simply had the money and refuse to stay in a sub-par hotel room. With a tap of my fingers, the shading faded away and a massive Victory Class Fleet Carrier came into view not too far off from the station itself. Her hull glistened under the distant starlight as many operational lights flared to life along the length of her hull. I pressed my hand against the glass and grinned. "That, May... That is our new home. The TRCG Presley."

There she was again with that confused look.
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︎1 Shiny!
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