Logbook entry

Log 9

17 May 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
TRCG Presley, Delphi (approximately 10lys from Donar's Oak)
May 16th, 3307

I leaned back in the Command Chair as The Presley dropped out of Hyperspace. The engines rumbled and groaned from the strain.. Presley's horn resounded throughout the bridge and beyond. "Bring Donar's Oak up on screen." I gave the order and shortly afterwards holographic screens sprung to life, local security feeds broadcasted to us the image of a space station that had clearly seen better days. The entry slot was bent and damaged. Cracks and fissures glowing green from the caustic damage of Thargoid weaponry, fires and isolated explosions across the station. I frowned as I leaned forwards to examine the damage for a moment before following up with more orders. "Engineering, I want all non-critical systems shut down, now. Divert power to weapons and shields. Keep an eye in the sky, ladies and gentlemen... There's bound to be Thargoids about and it would be in our best interest to be prepared."

"Not that it would do much good..." I whispered to myself before flicking on the communications panel at my chair. A small holoscreen popped up as May came into view in the cockpit of one of the pythons onboard The Presley. "May, how are the pythons coming along."

"All's good, CMDR." She said to me as she dropped her remlock helmet down on her head. "Three pythons ready with enough cabins to get out a good number of citizens, sir." She paused for a moment as if she wanted to ask a question but was clearly hesitant to do so.

"What is it, May?" I asked and she stuttered in response. "It's just..sir? Why aren't we bringing the fight to the Thargoids, sir?"

There it was, I knew this question was coming. I snorted in response before replying. "First off, May.. We don't have the equipment to fight Thargoids.. Secondly.. There are people that need saving. Thirdly.. I'm not convinced that the Thargoids are what they are made out to be." I smacked my lips.. There were the words. "They are attacking, yes..but think for a moment.. what are they attacking? The same thing they -always- attack.. Guardian technology. Alliance Leadership asked for this when they decided to store large amounts of guardian tech in these stations. This could have been avoided.. unfortunately.. it wasn't.. Now we have a mess to clean up."

I let out a sigh... Glaring at May through the holoscreen. My patience was wearing thin. "Now do your job, May." I flicked off the comms before looking over at Samrah Cobb... My Bridge Lieutenant. "Lt., I want you to coordinate rescue efforts with any independent CMDRs out here. There should be a rescue ship near by as well. Make sure we make contact. Keep me updated on any status changes." She saluted me before manning her station. Her fingers moving dexterously through the motions of following my orders.

I resumed observation of the station as 3 pythons dropped from supercruise....I let out another sigh.. It was starting look like a long day.

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