Logbook entry

Log 10

26 May 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
TRCG Presley, Savan
May 25th, 3307

This is a recording by CMDR Skeitch of the TRCG Presley. The time is now 1735UGT on the 25th of May, 3307. May's ship has just docked on the TRCG Presley with a precious cargo sent by TRCG Command itself. Eighty-Six highly educated, trained and geared scientists for the latest mission given to me by TRCG. The Presley has been reoutfitted for long range deep-space exploration and research. Our mission is to head out into the depths of space in search of God knows what passes for discoveries, resources and scientific knowledge to further TRCG's agenda in The Bubble.

Personally, I think TRCG command is trying to get me out of the way. Why assign me to this role? This is not what I excel at... no matter. I'll do my duties and see to it that everyone else does the damned same.

*audible sigh*

*metallic flickering sound followed be a deep inhale and exhale.*

The speculation can wait for another day... For now, I need to go welcome these eggheads onto my carrier.
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︎6 Shiny!
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