Logbook entry

Log 11

27 May 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
Commander's Office, TRCG Presley, Deep Space
May 26th, 3307



The sound of the office comm went off, interrupting my midday nap. With a sigh, I reached over my desk and pressed the button that was embedded into my desk. A small holoscreen whirred to life and my secretary, Lee Ann popped into view.

"What is it, Lee Ann?" I asked of her. My voice indicating my displeasure as it came out in almost a growl. "I said, nobody bothers me until 1400 Hours. Is that really too much to ask?" I watched her through the holoscreen as she visibly squirmed. "Oh, I am so sorry, CMDR but...Dr. Tsung is here and he is very insistent that he speak with you right this moment, sir."

Another sigh escaped my lips and I felt my head begin to throb...Dr. Tsung, the self appointed spokesman of the TRCG Presley's Science and Research Department. This man has been a pain in my ass ever since he stepped on board my carrier. It's almost as if he does not recognize who is in charge here... borderline insubordination. "Fine, let him in." I flicked off the holoscreen with a swipe of my finger before standing up and moving to the minibar. Squatting down, I dug into the cupboard as my office door swung open.

"CMDR Skeitch" came the raspy and annoying voice. I did not immediately respond as I found what I was looking for. A Grade A bottle of Lavian Brandy. A smile crossed my face, despite my current company.

"CMDR Skeitch" He repeated my name. With an obvious and rather audible sigh, I stood up with the brandy in hand and turned to face my visitor.

"What do you want, Dr. Tsung." I asked as I inserted a metal tube through the top of the bottle's cork. I met his eyes as I took a drink from the bottle.

"CMDR Skeitch. T-" He attempted to speak before I cut him off. "Yes, we have established that as my name. What-do-you-want?"

That caught him off-guard. He flapped about a bit before finally bringing himself together. I think I've found it.. he's self-important. "These living accomidations for the Science and Research Department are absolutely atrocious. Sub-par and barely fit for animals to live in! I insist that you move us to more desireable quarters!" It was practically an outburst. That's fine.. whatever.

I placed the bottle on my desk. The metallic ring at the bottom of the bottle clicking into place upon the metal surface. "Let me make something very clear, Dr. Tsung. You are not working and living in some laboratory on Capitol."

He seemed taken aback. Not that I cared much. He was really starting to annoy me. "You are on a fleet carrier. A piece of military equipment that has been retrofitted for this mission. You are in the field, Dr. Tsung... NOT A GODDAMNED DAY SPA!"

The bottle flipped off my desk and flew past Dr. Tsung's head and into the wall behind him with a shattering crash. Bits of glass and brandy were sent floating in the air. "I highly suggest that the next time you open your mouth, Dr. You remember who exactly is in charge here and watch your goddamn tone before I have you court-martialed and shoved out the goddamn airlock. Now get out of my office!"

With a huff, Dr. Tsung gathered his lab coat protectively about his person as he practically ran out of the door. I reopened the holoscreen and contacted Lee Ann. "Get a cleaning crew in here." I said, before swiping the screen off.

"What a fucking idiot...."
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