Logbook entry

Log 12

01 Jun 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
Remote Mining Operation, Achilles's Altar
May 31st, 3307

"Yeah, I see it, Presley" I tapped the side of my helmet to activate the comms channel with May who was aboard the Presley. My eyes, filtered through the my visor set upon what could only be described as a a mass of remote drilling machines. Eight drills of clearly human origin, 15,000 light years from the closest known bit of human civilization. The machines were old yet somehow functional.

I moved closer and altered my visor's filter to get a clearer and more precise reading of the structures. The readings were definitely off the chart. These drills have been left alone without supervision for so long that they appeared to be malfunctioning and if left unchecked for too long could eventually puncture and damage the planet's core.

I did not know why I cared at the moment...Looking back on it afterwards, I still did not quite understand. Whatever the case.. I turned off my scanner and immediately moved back to my SRV. Once aboard, I deployed the turret and opened fire. Bullets ripped through the thin atmosphere and tore into the drilling machines. Shrapnel flew into the air and explosions dotted the landscape. I don't know who put these damned machines here but their irresponsibility was mine to correct.

I flipped the switch on my comms panel and made contact with May. "Alright, Presley. I'm ready for pick up. Send a shuttle."
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