Logbook entry

Log 13

07 Jun 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
The Vilderbeist, Achilles's Altar
June 6th, 3307

We came across an Anaconda by the name of "The Vilderbeist" in some random asteroid belt not too far from the remote mining operation that we found a few days ago. Judging from the drive signatures and the dated technology onboard.. It would be safe to assume that they were the ones that set up the operation to begin with. After some discussion with May and the rest of the Command Staff of The TRCG Presley, I made the decision to shuttle over to the Anaconda for a bit of a space walk.

"Alright, Presley. I have contact with The Vilderbeist." I pressed the commslink device on the side of my helmet as my mag boots locked onto The Vilderbeist's hull. Another tap activated my torch and I took a close look at the damage to the ship. Some kind of acidic substance, Thargoid weaponry from the looks of it riddled the Anaconda's hull like some kind of twisted spider web. With a sigh, I unbelted my Arc Cutter from my utility belt.

"Roger that, CMDR. We hear you loud and clear. How's it looking down there?" Came May's voice over the commlink as I examined my Arc Cutter, flipping a few switches to power it up.

"Not good. Looks like Thargoids tore these idiots a new one. Kinda what happens when you venture out on a mining trip this far from The Bubble, eh?" With the Arc Cutter fully powered up, I flipped it over and began hacking into The Vilderbeist's hull. It was old and brittle from all the acid. It didn't take much effort to break through. Within moments, I was standing in a dark empty corridor within the Anaconda.

The light from my helmet torch flooded the walls with the brightness of a small star as I made my way through the ship. I checked engineering, crew quarters and even the bridge but there was no sign of any life or even previous life aboard the derelict ship. Sitting down in the pilot's seat and taking a look at the borderline ancient controls; I began to flip some switches in hopes of rebooting the ship. The hum of the ship's engine briefly came to life before sputtering out and dying once again... Just barely enough power to keep the computers up and running.

Seeing that my options were limited, I did the best of what I could do. I searched the ship's database for logs and inventories. Turns out we were right. This was indeed the very same ship responsible for that mining operation. Seems like they were digging up a rare variant of gold. Odd... I didn't know there was any kind of gold other than gold. I plugged in my suit and downloaded the data while continuing to sift through the system. Until I found the cargo manifest.

"May, Prepare a couple of Pythons and an extraction crew. This thing is loaded with gold." I pressed the commslink device on the side of my helmet. "Make it quick. This ought to be enough to satisfy the jackasses back home."

Finally... It looked like I was going to be able to start jumping back home. Not sure what this variant of gold is about... not sure I really care but that is why TRCG has scientists in it's employ. Me? I'm just a loaded gun and this loaded gun has had enough of this shit out here.
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︎4 Shiny!
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