Logbook entry

Log 14

12 Jun 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
Liberation, Deep Space
June 11th, 3307



My name is CMDR Skeitch of the TRCG. The time is now 0128 Hours on the 11th of June, 3307. We are currently in Lagoon Sector AV-P B5-3.

It was only a few days ago that I returned to The Bubble with the crew of The TRCG Presley. I admit... spending time in deep space on board that carrier did something to me and I can no longer stay still. Of course, there are wars to be had. Politics to strive for and whole systems that are in need of strong guiding hands but...

I felt so dead....

Unable to stand it much longer, I made contact with the TRCG High Command and requested a prolonged stay in the void beyond The Bubble. To my surprise, my request was granted with the simple stipulation that I leave The Presley behind for the good of TRCG. Seemed a reasonable request... I feel like the carrier, despite it's uses would ultimately hold back my progress.

May also came out with me. *chuckling sound* Loyal to a fault this one. I remember when I first came across her in Savan. I thought her hopeless but it looks like we might actually make something of her. We shall see as time goes by.

We have recently entered the Lagoon Sector AV-P B5-3 system near the Lagoon Nebula. On planet A 3 A, we came across a species of plant life that has been previously unseen or known by my eyes or the database provided for our use by TRCG....Although, I'm sure said database is a bit outdated. After thorough study of the plant; it was discovered that it belonged to the Electricae genus of interstellar plant life. The glowing leaves and the trunk shooting with barely contained electricity was certainly a sight to behold.

We shall remain here on A 3 A for a few moments longer to further learn of the nature of this unique plant.

End Log.

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