Logbook entry

Log 15

20 Jun 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
Liberation, The Empyrean Straits
June 19th, 3307


The notification sounded along with a light-up indicator letting me know that a deep-space transmission was coming in. No doubt someone from TRCG, seeing as they were the only people to know where to find me. My fingers traced along my dashboard before finally resting on the switch that would bring up the holo-screen and receive the message in question. With an upward flick of my finger, the holo-screen flickered to life and a broken image of a woman in a TRCG dress uniform appeared on screen.

"CMDR James (Skeitch) J. Williams. I am contacting you on behalf of The Royal Colonial Guard to inform you of The Council's decision to remove you from the command of The Presley." She said in practiced script. Distantly, I could feel my fist tighten. The fabric of my gloves protesting against the motion. "Furthermore, it has been decided that the TRCG will decommission the above mentioned carrier and place all of it's furnishings on auction. The proceeds of which shall be deposited into your personal financial savings account pending your eventual return to TRCG space. Please note that this decision was not made lightly but was made in an effort to prevent a frivolous drain on resources both your own and of TRCG funding and personnel."

Having said her piece, the message terminated and the holo-screen winked out of existence. I let out a sigh of frustration. Don't get me wrong... I understood why they did it. I might have done it myself if I were in their shoes. Still...The Presley was MINE and to have it so conveniently yanked out from under me was infuriating to say the least.

"Umm..CMDR? Are you ok, sir?" May said with some concern creeping into her voice from her co-pilot seat.

"Yes, May. I am fine. Alright.. Let's set a course. Hypiae Auscs MI-B d13-2889 seems like a nice random direction to continue our exploration. Key it in will you?" I responded to her, navigating away from the subject of The Presley. I could hear her flipping switches and keying in the coordinates without having to look behind me.

I grabbed ahold of the throttle and pushed it forward.

"Let's see what the Galaxy has in store for us."
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︎3 Shiny!
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