Logbook entry

Log 17

15 Jul 2021Skeitch
Personal Log
Dragon's Disciple, Temple
July 15th, 3307

"Here." It was Juan Cortez... One of my new accomplices in my path to freedom. He shifted his shoulders and removed a gun from the folds of his worn out and dirty rags. Judging from the condition and make of the weapon; it wasa carefully constructed in one of the many slave shops on board. I ducked behind a row of water barrels. I looked over the barrels and mapped out the locations of the guards. This section had 8 guards in total....9 if you were to count the guard captain lounging against the railing on the upper platform.

"Send the signal." I said to Cortez. With a nod, he moved through the crowds and disappeared. Moments later an explosion sounded and rocked the whole of The Dragon's Disciple. Once everybody got their footing; the slaves stirred and the slavers panicked and had no idea what was coming for them. Their clueless disposition and their fear would play into our hands.

With a rebel yell that harkened back to my Texan ancestors, I rose up from my cover and pointed my weapon at the guard captain. "Grab your shit, boys! It's time to earn your FREEDOM!!!"

I pulled the trigger.

All hell broke loose.
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︎1 Shiny!
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