Logbook entry

War in Chi-1 Hydrae...

28 Apr 2021User308550
Well it has finally happened. After much blood, sweat, and tears, war has broken out for control of Chi-1 Hydrae. Many have endeavored to locate Jupiter Rochester so his freedom can be procured. Control of this system could lead to answers... or more questions... There is just one large problem. Independent Pilot's Guild [IPG] is a force to be reckoned with.

Though Jupiter Security Division [JROC] has long been spying on their activities as part of its operations, the immediacy of their response to conflict here has been alarming. The Farragut Capital Class [JDN] Nadia Harrington and [JDN] Gerald Koll have been sent to the front as part of their first deployments, and even that will likely not be enough. This may well be a war of attrition where control is only established through consistency and sabotage. Opulence Management Group is a prime example. They encroached into Jupiter Division space and then found all 14 of their star systems burning. Let us hope this won't be necessary for IPG.

All pilots in the coalition have been recalled to bolster our efforts to control the system. If in the end this isn't enough, there are other ways of accomplishing our objectives.
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