Logbook entry

The return home, though not quite as I left it

04 May 2021User308550
Another contract complete, another client satisfied. It feels like it has been ages since I returned to Northrop Enterprise even though it has been mere days. It's good to see that things were kept in one piece while we were away despite leaving only a skeleton crew behind. Our efforts generated Billions in credits. This combined with a flurry of trading activity has caused construction of JDN Rochester's Pride to proceed far ahead of schedule. We began that effort only 3 days ago and it's 80% finished. The expectation was that it would take a month!

The fast pace of work might be wearing people thin. I've noticed a lot more sick leave requests lately, there might be an outbreak of something just over the horizon. Thankfully we stockpile medicine in advance. Hopefully it'll be enough, but I can't shake the feeling we're still being targeted by someone. A lone wolf of some sort or a snake in the grass or a soldier that is disobeying orders to settle a grudge.

One thing is for certain, I have some free time. Time to plan our next move...
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