Logbook entry

Rochester's Pride (and the downfall of our enemies)

05 May 2021User308550
I was summoned to Nanomam earlier in the day to discuss new developments in Paresa. Despite being fairly new to the position of Admiral, it seems I'm being put to work right away. In return for an as of yet unnamed... project... I was given a large donation, a sum of roughly six hundred million credits. Thanks to this new funding and the work of over 82 brilliant pilots over the past week, the construction of the Victory class Rochester's Pride has been completed. She has been deployed in our territory for today but with my new orders she won't remain there, only staying for a day while we prepare.

This is the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. Much has happened in the past few months, it wasn't long ago that I was flying a Viper MK IV, chasing whatever scraps I could get while dealing with the various hand gangs. Killing anarchists is enjoyable; don't get me wrong; but you can only watch a rust bucket explode into shrapnel so many times before you have an urge to see how many tree grubs you can eat without causing an outbreak (due to all the bio-waste afterwards).
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