Logbook entry

Everywhere at once

08 May 2021User308550
Our new fleet carrier has gotten a thorough workout. With the war under way in Paresa and war at home as well (The one in Chi-1 Hydrae doesn't count) we've appreciated the force multiplier effect of having a carrier on the field. The ease of which it's possible to get across occupied space, hauling goods, ships, personnel, has been quite the blessing. The sabotage occurring on the home front hasn't gone unnoticed. There remains an issue of spies and agent provocateur's attempting to pull us into war with others. Fortunately for us and unfortunately for them, their efforts are easily countered.

This week will no doubt be consumed by conflict but with any luck there will be a short lived peace thereafter. As much as I enjoy war, even a lion requires time to lick its wounds and recover. I sincerely hope we were correct about Jupiter Rochester. This endless waiting fills me with dread, though Vice President Cross is a worthy successor. Her leadership during this troubling time has been a source of comfort.
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