Logbook entry

Espionage is what we do best

12 May 2021User308550
The number one rule of diplomacy is that you honor your ceasefires. Evidently someone forgot to inform the Independent Pilot's Guild that's how diplomacy works. Reports have been coming in of hostile actions in our space. What did they think we were doing during this ceasefire? Sitting on our hands? We've been forging relationships with others in the region since we came here. Do they think that if they remove us now, that nothing will happen to them? Our space isn't even where we live and they lack the numbers to threaten us, much less hold their own territory during a sustained siege.

I was happy to ignore them after listening to the diplomat and their sob story. I trusted them to honor their word. I'm not in the habit of listening to diplomats, much less from an inferior force. But to act in this way, when I showed such mercy... Even their gods can't forgive such insolence.

It's time to finish what we started. Their systems will burn, they will burn, until naught is left but ash. We have nothing to lose, but they will lose everything. This is how it should have been in the beginning. They're the only non allied force in the entire region. It only makes sense that they will be defeated and their systems partitioned. I have given the order. May their gods show them mercy, for we will not.
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