Logbook entry

Where are they?

12 May 2021User308550
Things are going well on the front. We started so late in the day and yet we've hit over a dozen systems already. One question keeps popping up however, where are they? Where are their other pilots? Where are their other fleet carriers? Our intel suggested they had far more activity than this and yet there's nothing. Even worse, there are systems that have had flat activity for weeks... This is like Opulence Management all over again; We broke them in only 4 days; Here's to hoping IPG lasts longer. The barrage of wars haven't even started yet! Our pilots aren't even all here yet. From the level of activity we're seeing here it looks as if they have a dozen pilots at most...

What's more is how incredibly lucrative some of these systems are. Wetwork contracts, massacre contracts for pirates galore, tons of mining opportunities. Such a nice place to live and yet so few actually living in it. These systems will make fine gifts to our allies. Once everything has been partitioned, we can set off on a new adventure. Perhaps for Colonia or some other remote human inhabited place. I do have a nice exploration vessel to put through trials after all.

Also I was made aware of an individual named snake by the IPG diplomat. They wrote a nice piece about us, filled with falsehoods. I guess their diplomat doesn't have much of an honest relationship with the leadership. Well, I'm sure Independent pilots have their own way of doing things. One thing is for certain. Dead is dead. We've gotten what we wanted and even had time off before we got started. All is well that ends well!

Edit: Turns out there are people in both the Empire and the Alliance that want them removed too. I'm not a fan of the Empire but I suppose it's ok to work together for a short while.
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