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[Protocol Overridden - Secure Access Granted - - - Broadcasting]

12 May 2021User308550
[Protocol Overridden - Secure Access Granted - - - Broadcasting]

I don't have much time so I will try to be brief. I've patched myself through Yuuki von Preussen's terminal in an effort to stop what she's doing. You can't allow her to fulfill her bloodlust! Her and the other followers of Rochester are completely fanatical, and she's building some kind of weapon, something far more deadly than the caustic bombs used in the NMLA attacks. Her only allegiance to credits, she worked alongside the Empire in Paresa, she supported the NMLA in Sol, she even delivered supplies to the Neo Marlinist Rebels. She calls herself a corporatist but her actions breed terror everywhere she goes!

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I'm posting a public contract, you must stop her, you must bring Rochester's followers to justice. Do not let them escape or her reign of terror will never end.

[Transmission Ended]

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This is Part 1 of 7 of a player run odyssey event. Watch for future missions to see how you can participate
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