Logbook entry

I am not without mercy

13 May 2021User308550
My scouts have completed their work and I regret to say we have another dud. I thought for sure we found something worthwhile this time but this is Opulence Management all over again. Yet another enemy with a roster full of inactivity and far too many systems to defend. Sure they have more fleet carriers than the last one, and sure they have a small dedicated war force, but brute force wars are not how empires are made and even those pilots get tired of perpetual wars. They had systems that hadn't been updated in over 2 weeks! 2 weeks! Our holdings have daily activity even when I order people away. What is the point of holding space you aren't actively using. Regardless, I am not without mercy...

I subcontracted this job out to a group that refer to themselves as "The Cleaners" and they began their work immediately. They do what we do but but with more focus on slowly chipping away and wearing people down. I've made some new friends in places I never expected as a result of this latest conflict, and it has altered my view of the Federation. An aid with Princess Aisling has requested an audience and as a sign of goodwill, the Empire has granted me the rank of Serf. I'm no Admiral in the Empire, but I'm willing to see where this goes. The crew of Rochester's Pride has been ordered to make ready for departure on May 19th.

...one last thing. I swear my terminal was moved. I'm very particular about the placement of things and it was moved 3 degree's starboard. I know we've been frame shifting a lot lately on Rochester's Pride but that seems unusual. I've requested our security teams to check it out...
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