Logbook entry

Some things are meant to be found

14 May 2021User308550
I dedicate this entry to my beloved person, Snake. Through your conquests, throughout your wars, have you never considered that some things are meant to be found like an x on a treasure map? If this is the reality, then for what reason is it so? For what reason would a person remain so visible, concentrating so much hatred in their direction? What goes on in your midst? Who can you really trust? Can you trust the information you gather from the quantum networks? Does the mere act of gathering it reveal who you are?

I am here to give you a friendly warning. Be careful. Restrict your activities to what you do best, war, conquest, serving your God(s). Do not do anything that runs afoul of the agreement we all signed when we were certified by the Pilot's Federation. They are known to be heavy handed and I'd rather you keep your license. We all know there aren't many pilots of your calibre and the last thing we want is to lose another one. Consider this a friendly warning, from a kindred spirit.
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