Logbook entry

[The meaning of loyalty]

14 May 2021User308550
The crew stands assembled in the hangar bay of the JDN Rochester's Pride, at rest. Yuuki von Preussen enters from a corridor and a man; bearing the insignia of a Chief Engineer; is dragged through the corridor behind her. As Yuuki removes the insignia from his collar, the security team props him up against a wall in the airlock and secures it, before standing at attention.

"Today I would like to talk a bit about loyalty. A wise man once said 'If by my life or death I can protect you, I will.' That is the level of loyalty I possess for Jupiter Rochester and for every member of this crew. It is also the loyalty I expected from you."

Yuuki glances over in the direction of the airlock with a cold stare and a grimace.

"My trust is not easy to gain and cannot be restored once lost. For your betrayal of this crew, of this organization, of me, there can be only one punishment."

She makes a motion with her fist and with a couple key presses the security team engages the airlock.

"Second Engineer Davidson, congratulations on your promotion."

Yuuki pins the insignia to his collar and walks away as the crew salute.

This is Part 2 of 7 of a player run odyssey event. Watch for future missions to see how you can participate
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