Logbook entry

[Transmission Intercepted... Processing.... Cataloged for your review]

14 May 2021User308550
An audio only transmission has been received. Playing.


There was a time my frameshift drive malfunctioned, my ship lost power, and I found myself adrift in a galaxy I did not recognize. It was there I learned of a people so similar to us and yet different in so many ways. They had left Earth so long ago and become stranded in this new place... new to me at least. They had been there awhile and were already well established. Their stations could hold entire capital ships and their fleets... their fleets dwarfed anything we could bring to the field, even to this day. I will never forget the wonders of technology that I saw there.

It was there that I learned about espionage. The land was almost completely lawless and the only limit to what you could achieve was your imagination. No stuffy bureaucracy to deal with. Even crime went unreported in most systems despite them being fully lived in. They had been without us so long that they formed their own governments, their own cultures, and lost the will to return. I was alien to them and them to me. An entire history of their own.

And now that I have been back in this galaxy for a while, I see the rot that has set in. Our species has become soft. Terrified at the smallest sound, startled at the first sign of conflict. War is peace. Only through war can peace be achieved, lest the embers of lust, greed, envy, or jealousy, be left to fester in the minds of so called "allies". Freedom is slavery. Only slaves to our cause, to duty, find true freedom. Ignorance is strength. Ignorance of the lies, the propaganda our enemies spew from their wretched mouths. Jupiter Division was only the beginning, Supreme Executive Rochester's vision will be realized and we will carry his will forward!

For Jupiter!
For Rochester!
For Ganymede!

Voices echoing Yuuki's words ring out through the hangar after which the transmission ends.

This is Part 3 of 7 of a player run odyssey event. Watch for future missions to see how you can participate
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