Logbook entry

The conflict between Ganymede Security and IPG has concluded as a status quo ante bellum

14 May 2021User308550
The conflict between Ganymede Security and IPG has concluded as a status quo ante bellum due to an issue with pilot's licenses. Pilot's were informed as to proper protocol and diplomats mutually agreed to end the conflict. The following is the after action report summary to allied pilots.

Enemy: (Light Defense)
Star Systems: 52
Attacked: 52
In negative trend: 38
In war: 6 (defeat, close defeat, draw, victory, draw, close defeat)
Unchanged: 5
In positive trend: 3

Friendly: (Systems Abandoned at Conflict Start)
Star Systems: 6
Attacked: 3
In negative trend: 1
In war: 1 (defeat)
Unchanged: 2
In positive trend: 2

Single greatest enemy loss: 12.6%
Single greatest enemy gain: 3.2%
Single greatest allied loss: 12.3% (Prior to conflict start, Capital was at 95.2% and hit for 12.9%)
Single greatest allied gain: 5.2%
Sum Enemy Influence Lost: 121.6%
Efficiency Target: Reached
Efficiency: 109.57%
Hours campaign active: 48
Main Fleet capacity deployed: 24%
Reserve Fleet capacity deployed: 0%

This is a Ganymede Security Alert to all pilot's. Silver Legal Group failed to secure Ts'ao Tach. As a result, we have fulfilled our mission. Prepare for jump at █████ hours. We are meeting at Staging Point Delta in preparation for heading to ██████████████ All hostilities must cease between all parties. Those found in violation of standing orders will be harshly reprimanded.

This is a Ganymede Security Alert to entity "The Cleaners". Withdraw from ███████████████ space. Await further orders.
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