Logbook entry

[Public Broadcast Received... Playback Initiated]

16 May 2021User308550
Yuuki von Preussen enters from a corridor, flanked by senior staff who form a row on either side of the podium. The hangar is filled with pilots, soldiers, civilians, all affiliated with Jupiter Division and Ganymede Security. She steps to the podium, her recently changed uniform bearing new insignia and patches whose meaning is not yet known.

It has been three months since the unhappy day when Jupiter Rochester and the brave people of Jupiter Division, besieged by pilots of all affiliations, were rounded up without mercy by Federal Intelligence and spirited away into the Federation prison system. Since that day of treachery, dissension and hatred has descended upon us. When our nation lost its place in the world, we lost our unity of spirit and will with it.

The rot infesting the Alliance, Empire, and Independent nations is there for all to see! Communism with its method of madness is making a powerful and insidious attack on the galaxy. Theocracy seeks to poison our minds and disrupt our efforts, in order to hurl us into chaos. Would be Dictators threaten the security of our systems with their fleets of bandits. This onslaught threatens to destroy us from outside and within.

The changing times requires us to change with it. That is why today I issue my first proclamation, not as Supreme Executive, but as Supreme Chancellor. Effective immediately, Ganymede Security is no more. Today I announce the formation of a nomadic corporate republic, Saturn Division. Our first and foremost duty, to restore the spirit of unity among corporatists, to preserve and defend the original principles which Jupiter Rochester instilled in all of us. As leader of this nation, I will faithfully and resolutely fulfil this task.

If Saturn Division is to achieve this great work, we must fulfil our duties to other nations and powers, including the Federation, to overcome the menace of communism, theocracy, and dictatorships, and to restore orderly life under Corporate, Patronage, and Feudal rule. Unity is our greatest strength. Unity of heart, mind, spirit and purpose. We live as one, we fight as one, we die as one. This is our struggle.

All Hail Saturn Division! Glory to the Federation!

Those assembled repeat back the words of the Supreme Chancellor, their voices echoing through the hangar with deafening volume before going silent as Yuuki raises her fist.

Henceforth the JDN Rochester's Pride shall be known as the SDN Arminius. Our work begins immediately. Prepare for Frame Shift!

The transmission ends.

This is Part 4 of 7 of a player run odyssey event. Watch for future missions to see how you can participate
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