Logbook entry

War Report 19.5.3307 Pre-Ody

19 May 2021User308550
With our recent transition from a corporate security firm to an independent nation state, we have returned to what made us great in the first place... war. Our home is wherever our fleet carriers are with our headquarters in Nanomam, protected by our friends in Earth Defense Force. This setup gives unparalleled freedom to act. What follows now is the update on our current war. In light of present realities, the majority of our fleet are enjoying a break and so this war is to kill time.

Target: ████████████████████

Enemy: (Fled)
Star Systems: 12
Attacked: 12
In negative trend: 12
In war: 0
Unchanged: 0
In positive trend: 0

Single greatest enemy loss: 14.1%
Single greatest enemy gain: N/A%
Sum Enemy Influence Lost: 63.2%
Efficiency Target: Reached
Efficiency: 363%
Hours campaign active: 36
Main Fleet capacity deployed: 10%
Reserve Fleet capacity deployed: 0%

Enemy is not resisting or is unable to defend their systems. We are hoping for resistance from powerplay entities once system control is contested.
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