Logbook entry

Our assistance was requested...

02 Jun 2021User308550
[Personal log 2.6.3307]

Despite difficulties with the bureaucracy our campaigns against the Communists have enjoyed widespread success, we succeeded in disrupting their operations across nearly two dozen systems. This is why it's surprising that we would receive a call for assistance from our associates in Jupiter Division. They appear to have moved their assets into Ts'ao Tach again, perhaps to reclaim the system from Silver Legal Group. I consider this inadvisable. We have already located the location of Jupiter Rochester, the system is of no further use to us. Despite this, I have ordered the SDN Arminius to immediately make way for Ts'ao Tach, and for our pilots to act as a security detail for Jupiter Division, as was requested. I have also ordered them not to take any hostile actions against IPG so as to avoid inflaming prior tensions. This assignment hopefully won't last long, no more than a few days. There's much work to be done and the last thing I want is to be bogged down in this backwater again.

Note: This piece was written before the galnet article
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