Logbook entry

[Transmission received from SDN Arminius.... Marked as public... Rebroadcasting...]

02 Jun 2021User308550
As the screen becomes active, you see a hangar with troops standing in formation, dressed in combat armour and ready to head into battle. Supreme Chancellor Yuuki von Preussen takes the stage, and is saluted

"A momentous hour has struck for Saturn Division. Envious rivals everywhere force us to legitimate defence. Our associates in Jupiter Division have requested our aid and I will not deny them."

She holds up an officer's sword, what appears to be an old heirloom from a long gone era

"The sword has been forced into our hands! I hope that in the event my efforts to the very last moment do not succeed in bringing our opponents to reason and in preserving peace, that we may use the sword, so that we may sheathe it again with honour. War will demand enormous sacrifices, but we are no strangers to war and we shall show the enemy what it means to attack our allies.

As she finishes her sentence, her fist strikes the podium with sufficient force that the sound echoes throughout the hangar

And so I command you, should our enemies in Core Dynamics, in the Federation, fail to listen to reason, then go forth and destroy our enemies in the name of Saturn Division, and in the name of Jupiter Division, for the Corporatist cause!"

Cheers erupt and the broadcast ends

This is Part 5 of 7 of a player run odyssey event. A community goal is imminent!
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