Logbook entry

[Frequency Established... Tuning... PDB Spike Engaged]

05 Jun 2021User308550
Author's Note: Play this music in the background for extra impact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA8LwPLtn2Y&t=21s

No one ever said change would be easy. It's hard, incredibly hard. To build a new world, you must remake the old, but people have grown soft, weak, attached to the way things are, they are lost, without vision. But you are not like them. You are ambitious, driven, you see a brighter future, one we will build ourselves.

No one ever said war would be easy. So many lives lost in an instant once the initial barrage came. The loss of Jupiter Division Vice President Kim Cross weighs on us all. Director Venus Wise is doing her best in the interim, but the assault is formidable and we are outnumbered 4 to 1.

No one ever said having ideals would be easy. From a young age our hopes, our dreams, are beaten out of us in the Federal education system. Citizens are moulded to be used rather than to be useful. Is that not a waste of talent? Is it really so surprising that the Federation exists in such a sad state?

And yet we fight. We fight, for our cause, to reform a Federation that has grown weak and decrepit. We fight, for our freedom, from those that would cast us into prison as they did Jupiter Rochester. We fight, with our backs against the wall, against immeasurable odds, with spite and fury, with tenacity, indignant, unwavering.

They have come to destroy us and so we will make them pay for every grain of sand, for every inch of land, for every life they take. They will feel our fury, we will hunt them without mercy. To those that wave our banner, to those that believe in our cause, do not lose hope. We will live on. The dream of Jupiter Rochester, to reform the Federation, to bring it under corporate rule, will not die here.

It is my vow to you, As long as I draw breath, it will live on in me. I accept all of your hope, all of your hatred, all of your fear. Only through me will this great work be realized. We fight. I fight. For the sake of all of us.

Long live Saturn Division! Glory to the Federation!

This is Part 6 of 7 of a player run odyssey event. A community goal is active!

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︎6 Shiny!
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