Logbook entry

[Zenith’s End]

08 Jun 2021User308550
As Jupiter Division forces continue to fall throughout Ts’ao Tach, Federal Agents from the Proactive Detection Bureau close in on the SDN Arminius. Several wings have surrounded the Fleet Carrier. Hails went unanswered and a Special Operations team was dispatched.

“We’re almost finished cutting through Sir. Just a few more seconds and we will be inside.”

“Make it fast agent, there’s no telling what kind of security is active on this ship”

The arc cutter makes its way laboriously through the hatch plate, the armour having been thickened beyond the original specifications.

“Whoever retrofitted the hull must have known we were coming… and we’re through”

The team engages their arc jets and moves slowly through the labyrinth of corridors.

“Commander, I’m detecting a strange reading coming from a section of the ship. It doesn’t match any known signatures. Based on the plans given to us by the asset, this is Yuuki von Preussen’s quarters.”

“Understood, Agent. Do you detect any activity?”

“She appears to be in her office, alone.”

“We had better get there quickly”

Having arrived at a main bulkhead, a member of the team pulls out an e-breach and applies it to the control panel. The security is quickly defeated and the door opens.

“Don’t have to worry about breaking the law when you are the law-”

“Can it Agent.

“Sorry Sir.”

The team engage their magnetic boots and draw their weapons before heading in the direction of the unusual signature. No activity can be seen in the ship and it’s eerily quiet.

“Agent, are there any other signs of life on this ship?”

“None, Sir. Our most recent intel suggests Saturn Division still has its assets deployed on Ts’ao Tach 2.”

“We’re here.”

The team arrives at the door to Yuuki von Preussen’s office. It’s sealed with a code only she has access to. The sound of orchestral music can be heard from inside.

Author’s Note, you can listen here: https://youtu.be/3rxTs7kR__A?t=7

“Vivaldi. She has a unique taste. Get it open.”

One of the agents takes out an arc cutter and cuts open the panel before drawing the energy link, setting it to overcharge and overloading the door panel. The door opens automatically.

“Commander…. What is that….”

The fear is palpable and the tension in the room can be cut with a knife. In the centre of the room is an unknown device resembling a naval mine from the 20th century. It pulses slowly causing small static discharges with each pulse.

“It seems we were too late.”

Sitting upright in her chair, Yuuki von Preussen has embraced the eternal. An empty capsule sits discarded atop her otherwise pristine desk, it’s contents removed and destroyed long before.

“A shame, we needed her alive for the interrogation. Let’s take a look at that device.”

There aren’t any visible panels or cuttable surfaces, and it’s made of a material resembling that of the reactor housing’s on star ships. As it’s being inspected, the pulses slowly begin to quicken

“Can you detect any of its inner workings? I want to know what we’re dealing with.”

“No, Sir. It’s like a black box, I can’t get a reading from the inside at all. It’s as if it’s empty.”

“But that is impossible. How can it be empty and why cover it with such heavy shielding if that were so?”

The device begins vibrating and the pulses quicken to a level that is readily noticeable

“Sir, Whatever this is, I think it’s activating and we don’t want to be here when it’s finished”

“Agreed. Gather whatever you can and lets get out of her-”

The door leading out of the office slams closed with a thud and heavy seals can be heard closing

“Impossible, we overloaded the door to get in here, how could it close? Unless….”

As the agent glances fearfully at Yuuki von Preussen’s body, he notices. It dissipates into thin air with a familiar glow.

“She was a Holo-Me Projection! This is a trap-”

As the Antimatter Void Bomb detonates, The last thing the team of agents hear is laughter. It consumes everything in a 20 kilometre radius. Not even atoms remain.

From the bridge of the SDN Siegerkranz, Yuuki von Preussen looks out over the newly bolstered fleet. The result of the defections of Jupiter Division and others that flocked to her banner. With a curt smile she gives the order

“Engage Frameshift.”

This was Part 7 of 7 of a player run odyssey event. Thank you to all who read, participated, sent encouraging direct messages, fought for us, fought against us. It was a blast. Though this is the end of this story arc/event, more may come at a future date. Please look forward to it.

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