Logbook entry

[Smouldering Embers and a New Flame]

12 Jun 2021User308550
Logbook Theme: https://youtu.be/-5EDRSD0M3c

The fleet sits in Aditi, in orbit around Peylow, an Earth-like world.

“Supreme Chancellor, someone wishes to speak with you regarding Jupiter Division”

“I’ll take it in my quarters.”

“As you wish”

Yuuki von Preussen exits the bridge and enters her private chambers. Atop the chair in her office sits the torn jacket of Vice President Kim Cross, the shrapnel still embedded.

“If only I had been able to save you…”

Yuuki removes the jacket and sits down before punching in a code. A holographic projection appears.

“Supreme Chancellor, we finally meet.”

The voice of the man is rough, suggesting he isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty

“Likewise. Give your report.”

“It is done. Core Enterprises has subsumed Jupiter Division.”

“Excellent. And the remaining data has been destroyed?”

“Affirmative. They’re none the wiser.”

Yuuki lets out a sigh of relief.

“You’ve done well. I’ll be in touch if we have further need of you. The credits will hit your account shortly.”

The man nods and the call ends.

“The Federation has lost its edge. Long have I laboured but it was all for naught. The rot has taken hold and there is no longer any way to remove it without the destruction of the whole. There is but one avenue left…”

Yuuki enters another set of codes and a bespectacled man appears

“Supreme Chancellor, have you considered our offer?”

With a few keypresses, Yuuki sends over a series of documents

“It’s all there. On behalf of Saturn Division, we look forward to working with you.”

“Splendid! I will inform Senator Patreus at once! On behalf of the Empire, we welcome Saturn Division.”

The man hits a series of keys and a notification pops up. The subject reads: ‘Welcome to the Empire’

With a nod and a smile, Yuuki ends the call and heads back to the bridge.

This is part of a series of bridge events between Arcs while FDEV fixes Elite. Missions are active for those that still play.

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︎1 Shiny!
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