Logbook entry

The bar was never more welcome...

14 Jul 2021Trouvere
That was a tough day.

Simple job they said. Barely guarded they said. They worked up some tale that I could just breeze into the compound and grab the sample from these criminals with no problem. They had some crazy notion that I had to get the sample without triggering the built in alarm attached to the containment unit. Given that the place was barely guarded, it would be no problem to waltz into their security and quietly disconnect the alarm. I know how to not be seen when need calls.

That's not how it played out. The compound was streaming with goons, all toting guns and not a few plasma rifles. I managed to slip past them fine, but the problems hit when I finally got into the command centre. Stealing profiles is easy and the fools never noticed me, I slipped past yet more guards - who weren't supposed to be there might I add... I was just about to unplug the alarm system and lock them out of their own system when yet another guard rounds the corner. He seemed more worried than me to find an interloper right at the heart of their security zone.

I tried to schmooze my way out, but he didn't buy it and raised his profile analyser and scanned me. I'd already deleted my stolen profile, but he still saw fit to open up with his Aphelion rifle based on the fact that I was very clearly somewhere where I shouldn't be.

That was the last straw. I ran back to my SRV, climbed into the dominator suit. The next time I entered the compound, I would solve any and all disputes with my plasma shotty. I'd have preferred not to have to had to kill so many of them, but they would not give it up. I blasted my way back into the command centre and then into the production complex. Got my sample and made good my escape.

Too many died needlessly over nothing so it would seem. It would take more than one tot of whisky to steady my hand back at Truman Keep.
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