Logbook entry

Journey Across the Galaxy - Entry 2

26 Jan 2021BeardedHonus
Started this session by reviewing the Canonn Challenge waypoints. I was already on my way to Shenve when I first heard about the Challenge. Since I'm already underway, I have decided to take a different route, but I still plan on eventually hitting all of them, plus additional sites on my bucket list. I have decided to swing over to 116 Tauri first, since it is not too far off my path.

I jumped into HIP 27083. Nothing much here. 1 Class A and 2 Class K stars. Some planets orbiting the third star, including some pretty High Metal Content Worlds, but at over 112,000 Ls away from the arrival point and they had all been previously discovered and mapped and they weren't terraforming candidates, it wasn't worth my time to go map.

Next I jumped into Synuefe KS-Z b33-4. Four stars, one Class M, two Class L's, and one Class Y.  Only planets worth noting are three landable high metal content worlds orbiting the third star and a peculiar looking High Metal Content World orbiting the Class Y star with a 100% Ammonia atmosphere. Tiny little thing too, only 0.0003 Earth masses. See below screenshot of the System View.

Made another jump to Synuefe MS-B C16-14. Nothing here, just two Class K stars.  Next jumping into Synuefe RJ-F B31-0. Contains a Class M and a Class L star. A mix of icy bodies and rocky ice worlds, all discovered previously, but none mapped before. It's late. I will be landing a small planet here and calling it a night. 116 Tauri can wait until another day.
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