Cmdr Freyrson
Freelancer / Trader
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Python FR-27P
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Ghost Legion

Logbook entry

Personal Log Entry 2:27:23 17 JUL 3302

17 Jul 2016Freyrson
These guys really do know the best trade routes. Got myself set up on a short, 2-system run, making a lot of credits in a short amount of time. I was a bit leery at first, as one half of the loop is running Imperial slaves. I hate slaving, but after talking to a few of 'em I'm a little more comfortable about it. Turns out this is something they chose for themselves. And it ain't permanent. All the have to do is work off the debt they sold themselves for (usually to cover some other debt, be it medical, gambling, or.....other), however long that takes, then they're free to go. Even got basic rights and all, nothing like the stories you hear about non-Imperial slaves.

So now I transport a bunch of them from one station to another for work and haul back farming equipment on the other side. One of the slaves joked about how I was just a glorified taxi service for industrial equipment. Heh. Guess so. Damn well paid taxi driver I gotta tell ya. At this rate I'll be able to get a T9 or an Anaconda in a few months, something I can take the whole family on when they want to get out and about and I still have work to do. Well, I better get back to it. Time is money after all.
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