Logbook entry

Learning Cliff Indeed

16 May 2022Eralm
These past three months have been worse than flight school! At least with flight school you get one on one lessons. Here it is "let's give you twelve instructors and one lesson" ... ? But will say the squadron leadership is very helpful in all areas: skills, tips, tricks, and just being there to listen. They have taken me from "the engineers are too much work" to ... "if I go to [this engineer] and do ___ to [this] ship, I can have fun doing ___."

As much debt as I've taken on from my Jarl's fleet carrier due to services rendered, I'll gladly serve it. And if he was offering employment, I'd take it. He's a good boss too: clear instructions, schedule flexibility, and makes sure I got money. Plus, NO MICROMANAGING. Hello! That's the marks of a good boss.

This independent squadron is much better than my last Imperial one. Just saying.
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︎0 Shiny!
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