Logbook entry

Level Zero Goid Hunt

18 May 2022Eralm
“Go fight a goid solo" they said.
“It'll be fun" they said.
“You've been at it for 3 months….”

I failed.
Not once
Not twice.
But thrice.

Two rebuys later, AND had to be saved by two top Thargoid hunters. Not exactly “fun", more like “pissed off at myself".

Yes it was a Hydra. Yes there were two of them. Did get a full scan on one before being eaten by damage. The other one whittled away, or was dealt with by other Commanders.

But no, I’m so fruity horrible that even two of the best out there couldn’t help keep me alive. I couldn’t cold orbit, couldn’t boost right, ate all the swarms, and couldn’t even tag her.

That… is a new level zero.
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︎0 Shiny!
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