Cmdr ZEN Industries
Runaway slave / Slave trader
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Credit balance
Elite V
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Sidewinder Mk I ZEN-00
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ZEN Industries
Yuri Grom

Logbook entry

Secret or dare...

18 Feb 2023ZEN Industries
Let me start with one of my favorite quotes:

The man who can keep a secret may be wise, but he is not half as wise as the man with no secrets to keep.

E. W. Howe

Maybe I'm not wise enough to not share this... Well time will tell as anything in life.

Jumping over galaxy map I bump on strange system information:
A system as dull as its dwarf star. Move along, nothing to see here.

Quite interesting description for simple system with 0 population. Well, that most certainly pick my interest. Why would anyone put that kind of description if he really liked to keep that system secretive, No, I think that is exactly opposite, for me that is invitation to go and check.
OK packed my cheapest exploring ship (why to have big rebuy it's obviously trap), brew a coffee, and plot course. Wait... Maybe some search will reveal truth about this. After hours of searching so many databases... absolutely nothing special, no warnings, no stories... nothing!

Isn't that exactly red flag which say, something is there but it is a secret. No way that not even one commander in universe ever write anything about that.

Checked again, system does not require permit, it is in a "bubble", probably thousands of commanders pass that system, than why that description?
Well, another coffee, and lets go. If something in that system permanently kill me, it's worth to know that.

Can't remember last time when I felt those chills through my spine, when I give command to my number one to engage FSD... Countdown started... question in my head am I prepared for this, should I abort? Oh to late... We are in hyperspace tunnel already.
Boom... (same sound as always when you exit hyperjump) and that's all. Only what I saw is just another yellow star in front of my ship. OK, let's check comms... nothing, Well what to do except to engage FSS and see what is there... OMG just 2 almost identical dwarf stars. and empty system. OK let's ride to 2nd star to see from close is that description is exactly, what is say: "...nothing to see here". To cut a long story, Nothing on system map, no messages, no secret base or ships... Just standard signals, since system is unpopulated must be degraded ones.

WRONG... Yes there was couple degraded signals but majority of them was HIGH GRADE SIGNALS [Threat 0]. Well this is new for me, lets investigate closest... 7 minutes left enough time to fly into it.

Threat 0 no need to worry about anything, exited supercruise and yes there was some debris and several grade 5 materials... Nice collect them, and lets go back. Must be some mistake with those 5-6 High Grade emissions, they will disappear in couple minutes let's try another one with longer life. The longest one 38+ min... Wait isn't that too long? If I spent already 10-15 minutes in system, no way that new High Grade Signal is spawned. Not that I know.

Lets stop and find one with short lifespan. Nice there is one 3 minutes, let's wait till it disappear and see what will happens.
Well this is surprise, As soon that signal died, new one spawns. Hmmmm... Let's jump out from system and go back to see if something is changed.
Nothing is changed, number of High Grade Signals is again about 5-6.

So this is the reason for that system description... Infinite High Grade Emissions... OK always same materials but I can always exchange them at material trader. This is new thing for me and probably I'm not first one who find that so why no one ever wrote something about that?
So, is it wise to share this or not?
Let's go back to start of this logbook entry and that quote I love that much... Share it, speak of it, don't be selfish coward!

So I wrote all this, to point you toward system LP 413-18. If you my dear fellow CMDR's think I'm fool who should keep this for myself, please read quote from beginning of this logbook. If you already know about this system, ask yourself why you didn't share this with other commanders in galaxy and keep it for yourself.

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