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Got a Squadron and 2 good ships.... a newb's next steps

26 Jan 2021Lobokai
Finally feeling like I "get" Elite.  I wanted to get a Beluga and do the passenger liner captain thing... but they seem so defenseless and once I found out that Odyssey won't let me walk around my luxury cruise-ship (COME ON!), I saved up and go the Corellian Corvette of ED, the Anaconda.  I named mine the Tantive V.  

So I've spent a few days hauling passengers and carrying the best cargo deals I can find (thank you eddb) while running to and from stations that help by Squad's minor faction and sometimes to chase down the next upgrade part for the Tantive.  

Not ready to head down the engineering rabbit hole yet, but would love to get a Guardian booster for my FSD... so I'll do that next.

While the Anaconda is a blast, so glad I held onto the Chieftain that got me here.  Once I get everything down to A and B parts on the Tantive, I'll probably go back to Bounty Hunting... but really thinking about helping the Marlinists next while working on Imp rank and credits need to get that Imperial Cutter (might stepping stone with the Clipper) and convert it to my well-defended cruise liner and use the Tantive as exploration/engineering... I dunno

Love the luxury stations though

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