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Blazing your own trails...

19 Dec 2016Big Pappa
We are all supposed to blaze our own trail... and for most, that trail is marked pretty clearly. However for others, that trail might not be so well defined; forcing them to either slow their journey, or even worse, consume them with such fear of the unknown that ultimately they retreat back to the safety and comfort of what they have always known.

Yet there are also those rare few that have been on the same path for so long and spent so much time and dedication into clearing away the debris and fear so that they will never get lost... that they somehow stumble across yet another path . How is this possible? Some would call it a fork in the road, a point in time where one must make a decision on which path to ultimately take... the one that they have always been on that has helped to shape their role in the galaxy... or this new undefined path.. the unknown.... and with all the questions in their mind of taking the first step down that path, they're filled with a certain level of excitement and adrenaline that they haven't felt since... well.. the time they took their first step on their original path.

For me... the answer to this isn't of a binary nature. It's not 1 or 0... left or right... on or off... black or white... It's more about seizing every opportunity and facing every obstacle presented before you. When one is presented another "trail"... another opportunity... the challenge then becomes how can one best capitalize for the betterment of themselves, their families and friends, and for the greater good. Now depending upon how one views the "greater good" is left up to interpretation but regardless... one cannot turn a blind eye to what has been laid before them.

The challenge now is to free one's mind of "self"... singularity... the feeling of obligation to our known existence and it's limitation of only being able to walk down one path and one path only...
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