the optimal long range travel and survey sequence
17 Jul 2015Es Andr
It took me a long time but at the end, found the optimal long range travel and survey sequence.Even with an A3 fuel scoop, I don't loose time waiting on the refill if I can fill by each jump.
This is the sequence I repeat over and over again:
- Select next star system, orient to it, max FSD thrust, activate jumpengine,
- on countdown, cut thrust,
- on arrival, orient to center star, raise FSD velocity a few steps till just below 10 mm, start survey star and system,
- cut velocity when temperature higher then 65 or fuel rate 140, wait survey star finished,
- Select nxt sys, orient to it if star not in jump path, else orient away from star
- wait till fuel tank is full if fuel scoop engaged,
- while waiting, check survey system for terraform planets
-once fuel tank full, or star not scoopable, max FSD thrust, check survey system for terraform planets if not yet done,
- if none
- wait till hull temperature lower then 40
- orient if not yet done to next star
- activate jumpengine and repeat sequence
- else
- explore system for terraform candidates and interesting phenomenae,
- once finished exploring, select next star and repeat sequence